Pure & Simple
Now is what I need
This closeness, these feelings, your glow,
Enveloping me,
Exposing all my delicate shadows
In the unknown generosity
Of your light
Tending to me,
Hearts shift to create a fullness
That leaves no room
For anything else,
Except these tiny sighs
That I need not hold onto
While I read the story
Of your irises — full of whimsy,
Intention, and a mystery
I am decoding…
Candlelight dims,
We do not
It flickers,
Our eyes do not
Spellbound and rooted
In their incantation
We are young,
As is this night
Pacing each chapter, I revel
In the steps…
Of how you turn the pages,
Taking me gently, back with you
Where that fork in our road awaits
I awake to a dawn of new pages
Ready, eager to choose
Our next adventure
Where You
Where This
Where Now
Is nothing less
Than everything